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The One Book Not To Miss!

10/18/2020 Kenner

Stéphane Faucourt, author of several Star Wars collecting books, revealed this morning a new book project which seems to be close to being finished. 

We are pleased to unveil our new book - the KENNER COLLECTORS' HANDBOOK !! The very wide Kenner range is in the spotlight this time, on the same principle as our previous handbook - large photos of the entire collection (from SW to Droids), cardbacks reference, offers, and quick intro/review on each range...  Major Front / Backs combination for each figure based on the updated Kellerman Matrix (see our front / backs combination group) totaling more than 250+ new variants!  The most complete guide to Kenner figures to date which you can carry anywhere !! We will soon be launching pre-orders ... stay tuned...

This is very exciting news, especially because it will be based on the Kellerman matrix and it's written by heavyweights in the vintage Kenner Star Wars action figure collecting community. We'll post an update once it's available. 

Star Wars Kenner book