Clegg Holdfast was released individually carded in September 2009 in The Legacy Collection. Clegg can be seen taking part in the Podracing event in The Phantom Menace.
The figure has a total of 12 joints and is able to stand pretty securely on its own without a stand. The face sculpt is well done and has Clegg Holdfast aggressively showing his teeth. Hasbro incorporated quite a few nice details into the mold, like Clegg's awards on his chest and the bandages around his ankles.
The paint application is very well done in the facial area, with red eyes and light brownish details around his mouth. The rest of his body and his outfit looks like as if he's just worked on fixing an engine, with oil splattered all over him, even on his back and on the bottom of his feet. The blaster fit's quite well into both of his hands, and the soft plastic goggles can be put on the figure nicely as well.
All in all, this Clegg Holdfast figure is a welcome addition to the pod racer line-up. While there is still room for improvement (ankle joints, maybe a cleaner paint application), its still a great figure. If you enjoy alien characters and you like the pod racing in Episode 1, you'll probably like this figure!
Clegg Holdfast is one of the Podracers in the Boonta Eve Classic. Clegg is a journalist for the Podracing Quarterly and enters the races to better cover his stories. His engines are destroyed during the race and he crashes in the desert.