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Darth Maul  Diamond Select Toys 7"
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Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.

Darth Maul

Diamond Select Toys 7"
  • MSRP: $24.99 USD
  • Scale: 6.5"
  • Exclusive: Disney Store
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2020
  • Released: 2020
  • Joint Count: 18
  • Joint Details: 1 Ball-jointed neck, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 ball-jointed wrists, 1 ball-jointed upper body, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 swivel thighs, 2 swivel joints above the knees, 2 swivel joints below the knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
  • Accessory Count: 11
  • Accessory Details: 2 Lightsaber Hilts (they plug together for one long saber hilt), 1 Green Blast Effect, 2 Regular Red Blades, 2 Swinging Red Blades, 2 Extra Sets Of Hands


  • This 7" tall Darth Maul figure was released exclusively through the Disney Store on October 23, 2020
  • Darth Maul came with two separate lightsaber hilts which plug together to make one long one
  • There were also two extra sets of hands, two regular red lightsaber blades, two swinging motion lightsaber blades and one green blast effect included
  • The lightsaber hilts plug together nicely and it's easy to plug the blades into the hilts
  • The green blast effect can be attached to the two regular blades (this works well)
  • It's easy to exchange the hands, simply unplug the ones in use and plug the new hands onto the pegs
  • There was no Sith robe included with Darth Maul and there are no removable parts on the figure
  • The paint application on the outfit is simple with a matte and glossy black color, but that's true to the outfit Darth Maul wore in The Phantom Menace
  • Even though the head sculpt doesn't caputre Darth Maul perfectly, it's still an overall very impressive figure
  • This 7" tall Darth Maul figure stands well on display without falling over


There was no biography or additional text on the packaging.

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