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Jar Jar Binks Clone Wars The Clone Wars Collection
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Jar Jar Binks

The Clone Wars Collection
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2009
  • Released: 2009
  • Joint Count: 10
  • Joint Details: Ball-jointed head, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel under shoulders, ball-jointed waist, 2 hips, 2 ball-jointed ankles
  • Accessory Count: 2
  • Accessory Details: Soft-goods cloak with a wire in the neck area, removable hard-plastic tie


Jar Jar Binks has been seen in the Clone Wars animated show several times, most notable though is one of the episodes from the first season named "Bombad Jedi", where Jar Jar ends up looking like a Jedi. This figure is based on this episode. Hasbro included no weapons with this figure, only the removable cloak, and a removable tie. The tie by the way can be plugged into Jar Jar's chest so it doesn't flap around. Most interesting though is the soft-goods cloak, because it has no room for arms, and no distinct place where the head can be pulled through. It's more like a cape, but it has a wire in the neck area, which can be bent close around the neck, which in the end gives it it's stability and stays on the figure. This is a great concept, and with a little bit of time, you can make it look pretty good overall, without having a too bulky appearance. Jar Jar Binks himself is nicely detailed, has a clean paint application, and looks just like he did in the T.V. show. The only bigger problem the figure has is that it tips over easily, and the lack of knee articulation prevents you from giving Jar Jar more dynamic poses. Overall, it's a cool looking figure, with a cool new soft goods cloak.


It's up to Jar Jar Binks to save the day when Padme Amidala walks into a trap set by the Separatists on the planet Rodia. Donning a Jedi robe, Jar Jar hopes that the threat of dealing with a formidable "Jedi" will force Padme's captors to release her.

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