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Jarek Yeager 2-Pack #1 With R1-J5 Star Wars Resistance
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Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.

Jarek Yeager

Star Wars Resistance
  • MSRP: $14.99 USD
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: None
  • Released: 2019
  • Joint Count: 5
  • Joint Details: 1 ball-jointed neck, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel hips
  • Accessory Count: 2
  • Accessory Details: 1 Blaster, 1 Helmet


  • Jarek Yeager was released in January 2019 in a 2-pack together with astromech droid named R1-J5 "Bucket"
  • Early versions of this set had a packaging variant where Bucket was falsely named R3-B7 (look at the packaging here)
  • Jarek Yeager came with a blaster which the figure can hold well in both hands
  • Hasbro included a helmet with the figure, you can plug it onto the neck peg once the head has been popped-off
  • Unfortunately the pilot helmet doesn't have a face behind the visor which is slightly creepy
  • There are no removable parts on the outfit
  • The headsculpt in particular turned out very well and captures the likeness of Jarek Yeager from the TV Series very well
  • Jarek Yeager has no balancing issues


Jarek Yeager runs a repair shop on the Colossus refueling station, enjoying the solitude of being so far off the beaten paths of the galaxy. Bucket has been Jarek Yeager's loyal astromech for years, and despite being a battered, decrepit droid addled by outdated, glitching programming, is also a skilled mechanic.

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