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PZ-4CO  The Force Awakens Collection
All images are copyrighted by GalacticFigures.com unless stated otherwise.
Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.


The Force Awakens Collection
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: None
  • Released: 2015
  • Joint Count: 5
  • Joint Details: 1 Ball-jointed neck, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel hips
  • Accessory Count: 2
  • Accessory Details: 2 Build-A-Weapon Accessory


  • PZ-4CO was released individually carded
  • The figure stands about one head taller than a basic Star Wars action figure
  • There were no weapons or other tactical equipment included with the droid
  • The figure is painted nicely - especially the abdominal and facial area stand out
  • The two build a droid accessories clip onto both legs well
  • The Build-A-Weapon accessory can be combined with other Build-A-Weapon pieces to create one big weapon
  • The Build-A-Weapon accessory is compatible with the Build-A-Weapon accessories which were included with Goss Toowers and Kylo Ren
  • You can look at all the fully assembled weapons here: Build-A-Weapon Guide


PZ-4CO is a constant fixture in Resistance base control rooms, offering tactile data and communications support during important operations.

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