General Grievous - The Saga Collection - 2006

The supreme commander of the droid armies is tracked to Utapau by Obi-Wan Kenobi. A powerful combination of droid and alien, Grievous is a formidable fighter, and ultimately confronts the Jedi in single combat.

General Grievous Heroes & Villains

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

General Hux figure, TFABasic
Incinerator Stormtrooper figure, TACSpecial
Battle Droid Engineer figure, TACBattlepack
Snowtrooper figure, TACBattlepack
Tech M’or figure, tvctroopbuilders
Darth Vader figure, Solobasic
Vedain figure, tvctwobasic
ARC Commander Havoc figure, tvctwobasic
Cad Bane figure, CW2
Luke Skywalker figure, VintagePotf
Bo-Katan Kryze figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Night Trooper figure, tvctroopbuilders
Chewbacca figure, tvctwobasic
Bespin Security Guard figure, tvctwobasic
Jawa figure, tvctwobasic
CB-23 figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Elan Sleazebaggano figure, SAGA2003
Princess Leia Organa figure, TACComic2-pack
Yoda figure, TBSBasic2013
Boba Fett figure, esb40
Anakin Skywalker figure, TCWBattlepack
R7-Z0 figure, TLCBuild-A-Droid
R-3PO figure, TLCDroidFactory
Anakin Skywalker figure, TBSBasic2013