Luke Skywalker - Star Wars The Black Series - 2021

Fiver years after the destruction of the Death Star, Luke Skywalker fears there is no hope as the remnants of the Imperial fleet are readied for war under the command of Grand Admiral Thrawn.

Using Ysalamiri to sever a developing Jedi clone's connection to the Force allowed mentally stable Jedi clones to be created - a discovery Thrawn would use in his war against Luke Skywalker and the New Republic.

Luke Skywalker Heir To The Empire

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Anakin Skywalker figure, TACComic2-pack
Cad Bane figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Joclad Danva figure, TLCGeonosis2-pack
Clone Pilot (Gunship Pilot) figure, TLCBattlepack
Zeb Orrelios figure, TVCExclusive2
Sy Snootles figure, vintageRPackIn
R2-D2 figure, TLC2
R2-B1 figure, Episode1Basic3
Dud Bolt figure, MHBattlePack
Daultay Dofine figure, TVCBasic
Biker Scout figure, mhdeluxe
Shadow Stormtrooper figure, TACSpecial
Darth Maul figure, SAGA2003
Battle Droid figure, TSCBasic
Mandalorian Shriek Hawk Trainer figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Darth Revan figure, TACBasic2007
Death Watch Mandalorian figure, tvctwobasic
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
R2-D2 figure, POTF2commtech
Doikk Na’ts figure, tvctroopbuilders
BB-9e figure, TheLastJedi2Pack
Tie Fighter Pilot figure, StarWarsToyBoxVehicles
Luke Skywalker figure, TVCExclusive2
Snaggletooth figure, potjbasic