Hoth Rebel Trooper - Star Wars The Vintage Collection - 2022

There was no biography or additional text on the packaging.

Hoth Rebel Trooper Hoth Echo Base Soldier Troop Builder 4-Pack

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Poe Dameron figure, Solomultipack
Han Solo figure, BS2
Endor Rebel Soldier figure, SAGASpecial
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, swlmt
Jyn Erso figure, bssixthreeexclusive
IG-88 figure, SAGASpecial
Mechano Droid figure, vintageAnhPackIn
Jar Jar Binks figure, Episode1Basic1
R4-H5 figure, TLCDroidFactory
Hoth Rebel Trooper figure, tvctwobasic
IG-11 figure, blackseriesphase4creditcollection
AT-AT Driver figure, esb40
Lando Calrissian figure, VintagePotf
Count Dooku figure, TACComic2-pack
Bom Vimdin figure, TVCBasic
C-3PO figure, POTF2flashback
Max Rebo figure, vintageRPackIn
Clone Pilot (Gunship Pilot) figure, TLCBattlepack
Jet Trooper figure, bscarbonized
Princess Leia Organa figure, POTF2flashback
Kanan Jarrus figure, tvctwobasic
Cloud Car Pilot figure, TVCBasic
Qui-Gon Jinn figure, Episode1cinemascene
Merumeru figure, TBSBasic2013