Kanan Jarrus - Star Wars The Black Series - 2016

Kanan Jarrus survived the Emperor's purge, going underground for years and hiding the truth about the Jedi he really was. He was a leader among the Ghost crew and, with the emergence of the Force-sensitive Ezra, once again embraced his identity as a Jedi Knight.

Kanan Jarrus Star Wars Rebels

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

MSE Droid figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Jawa figure, TCW2009
Imperial Evo Trooper figure, TAC2008
Luke Skywalker figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Luminara Unduli figure, ROTSBasic
Han Solo figure, SAGA2003
C-3PO figure, SAGADeluxe
Rom Mohc figure, TLCComic2-pack2009
R8 Unit figure, DCmultipack
Qui-Gon Jinn figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Rey figure, StarWarsToyBoxBasic
Stormtrooper figure, swlm
Stormtrooper figure, tvctroopbuilders
Admiral Motti figure, TSCBattlepack
Destroyer Droid figure, TLCGeonosis2-pack
BL-17 figure, TLCDroidFactory2009
BB-Unit figure, dcadventcalendar
Han Solo figure, SAGA2003
Yoda figure, TBSBasic2013
Kit Fisto figure, bssixthree
AT-ST Driver figure, TVCExclusive
Uncle Gundy figure, VintageDroids
Darth Vader figure, StarWarsToyBoxBasic
Bossk figure, POTF2Basic2