Stormtrooper Commander - Star Wars The Black Series - 2020

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed follows Darth Vader's secret apprentice, trained to hunt down and destroy Jedi, while Stormtrooper Commanders lead Imperial troops into battle.

Stormtrooper Commander The Force Unleashed

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Stormtrooper Officer figure, TheLastJediMultiPackIn
Darth Phobos figure, SOTDSBattlepack
Barriss Offee figure, CW2
Undead Geonosian figure, CW2
Boba Fett figure, tvctwobasic
Bib Fortuna figure, tvctwobasic
Stormtrooper figure, tvctroopbuilders
Yoda figure, SAGADeluxe
Jawa figure, OTCBasic
Jawa figure, retromultipack
Anakin Skywalker figure, Episode1cinemascene
Bossk figure, retro2pack
Scorch figure, TSCBasic
Jango Fett figure, RogueOneNoneTraditional
Kettch figure, TLCComic2-pack
Darth Krayt figure, TLCComic2-pack2009
Ten Numb figure, POTF2cinema
Ayy Vida figure, SAGA2003
Anakin Skywalker figure, tvcrereleases
Han Solo figure, VintageRotj
Darth Vader figure, swlm
Clone Trooper Cutup figure, TCWBattlepack
Wookiee Heavy Gunner figure, ROTSBasic
Biggs Darklighter figure, TBSBasic2013