Mace Windu - Celebrate The Saga - 2020

A noble order of protectors unified by their ability to tap into the power of the Force, the Jedi Order were the guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic.

Mace Windu Jedi Order 5-Pack

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Kylo Ren figure, bssixthreeexclusive
C-3PO figure, DCMultipack
BB-8 figure, ctsmulti
Greef Karga figure, tvctwobasic
Rancor Keeper figure, VintageRotj
Biker Scout figure, blackseriesphase4holiday
Probe Droid figure, Solo2pack
Even Piell figure, CW2
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, ROTSSpecial
Anakin Skywalker figure, TCWBasic2008
Hassk Thug figure, TFABasic
Cal Alder figure, tvctroopbuilders
Pit Droid figure, TVCBasic
R5-P8 figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Sandtrooper figure, SAGASpecial
Flametrooper figure, DisneyEliteSeriesDieCastBasic2015
Wicket figure, tvcrereleases
Darth Vader figure, TSCBattlepack
C-3PO figure, StarWarsToyBoxBasic
Warok figure, TLCBattlepack2009
Ahsoka Tano figure, GalaxyBasic
Assault Battle Droid figure, TACBattlepack
Ahsoka Tano figure, tvctwobasic
Rose Tico figure, TheLastJediBasic