Finn - The Force Awakens Collection - 2015

An extensively modified Corellian light freighter, the Millennium Falcon is a legend in smuggler circles and is coveted by many for being the fastest hung of junk in the galaxy.

Finn With Millennium Falcon

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Vice Admiral Holdo figure, bssixthree
MSE Droid figure, SAGAAccessory
Darth Vader figure, SAGASpecial
Migs Mayfeld figure, tvctwobasic
Moroff figure, RogueOneVs
CH-83 figure, dcmystery
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, CW3
Princess Leia Organa figure, tfaclass4
Yoda figure, OTCBasic
Anakin Skywalker figure, VintagePotf
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, TAC2008
Ahsoka Tano figure, blackseriesphase4basic
4-LOM figure, TACBasic2007
Gasgano figure, Episode1Basic3
Darth Vader figure, TheLastJediMultiPackIn
Plo Koon figure, TCWBattlepack
Dengar figure, SAGA2004
Han Solo figure, tvcrereleases
Mace Windu figure, TLCGeonosis2-pack
Mae figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Commander Appo figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Umpass-Stay figure, TACBasic2007
AT-ST Driver figure, tvctwobasic
Stormtrooper figure, tvctroopbuilders