Shock Trooper - The Saga Collection - 2006

Palpatine's Shock Troopers are ordered to search the senate in hopes of finding and destroying Jedi Master Yoda.

Shock Trooper Skirmish In The Senate 4-Pack

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Dr. Evazan figure, OTCScreenScene
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Gungan Warrior figure, TVCBasic
Shae Vizla figure, TVCBasic
R2-H15 figure, DCMultipack
Clone Trooper Echo figure, TCW2009
Darth Vader figure, potf2basic
Luke Skywalker figure, tvcrereleases
Kylo Ren figure, TheLastJediMultiPackIn
Luke Skywalker figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Destroyer Droid figure, ROTSBasic
Boba Fett figure, OTCCarryCase
Ahsoka Tano figure, TVCBasic
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, CW4
Mae figure, tvctwobasic
Clone Trooper Fives figure, TCWBattlepack
Jaina Solo figure, TLC2
Finn figure, tfaarmorup
LM-7B figure, dcmystery
Tie Fighter Pilot figure, blackseriesphase4carbonized
Y5-X2 figure, DCMultipack
Lt. Dannl Faytonni figure, SAGA2003
Princess Leia Organa figure, blackthree
Exar Kun figure, TLCComic2-pack2009