Tactical Ops Trooper - Revenge Of The Sith Collection - 2005

These clone troopers accompany Darth Vader on a mission to destroy the Jedi. Vader and his highly trained tactical ops troopers storm the Jedi Temple and show no mercy to whomever may cross their path.

Tactical Ops Trooper Vader's Legion

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Cesi "Doc" Eirris figure, TLCEvolutions2008
Zuckuss figure, TLC2
R2-D2 figure, Episode1Basic2
Clone Trooper figure, OTCBattlepack
Rose Tico figure, TheLastJediMultiPackIn
Imperial Navy Commando figure, SOTDSBattlepack
Goofy figure, DisneyCharacterFiguresBasic
Darth Maul figure, MHBattlePack
Finn figure, TFABasic
Jake Farrell figure, TLCEvolutions2009
Clone Trooper figure, retromultipack
Bom Vimdin figure, TVCBasic
Amanaman figure, POTJDeluxe
Darth Vader figure, TVCBasic
Anakin Skywalker figure, Episode1cinemascene
Clone Trooper Captain figure, bssixthreeblue
Clone Commander figure, ROTSBattlepack
Clone Trooper Draa figure, CW2
Darth Maul figure, TSCBasic
Salacious Crumb figure, bssixthreeblueexclusive
Grand Moff Tarkin figure, blackseriesphase4archive
C1-10P Chopper figure, SWLBasic
Chi Eekway figure, TSCBattlepack
Maz Kanata figure, tfaclass4