Tobbi Dala - The Legacy Collection - 2008

Princess Leia is captured by slavers while searching for Dengar, a bounty hunter with information that can help her save Han Solo. It looks like all is lost for Leia, until her new Mandalorian friend Fenn Shysa launches a daring raid to rescue her and his boyhood friend Tobbi Dala, who is also a prisoner of the slavers. But before the day is done, there will be death and destruction in the city of bones.

Tobbi Dala Comic 2-Pack #7 - 2008

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Pote Snitkin figure, POTF2Basicff
R5-D4 figure, vintagestarwars
Battle Droid figure, Episode1special
Mij Gilamar figure, TACBattlepack
Stormtrooper figure, retromultipack
Han Solo figure, esb40
Commander Wolffe figure, BS2
Battle Droid figure, tvctwobasic
Mon Mothma figure, POTF2Basicff
EV-9D9 figure, POTF2Basic2
Rep Been figure, TSCBasic
Greedo figure, bssixthreeblueexclusive
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, blackseriesphase4archive
Wrecker figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Luke Skywalker figure, bssixthree
Jar Jar Binks figure, Episode1cinemascene
Admiral Ackbar figure, tvcrereleases
Undead Geonosian figure, CW2
Saw Gerrera figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Second Sister Inquisitor figure, bssixthree
Galen Marek figure, TLCBattlepack2009
Admiral Thrawn figure, tvctwobasic
Ahsoka Tano figure, blackseriesphase4exclusive
Biggs Darklighter figure, TLCEvolutions2008