Clone Trooper - Star Wars The Black Series - 2020

The Republic Clone Troopers represented the future of galactic warfare. So symbolic were they of the times, the galaxy-wide conflict that saw their debut took its name from their ranks: The Clone Wars.

Clone Trooper Kamino

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Jawa figure, potf2basic
Hera Syndulla figure, blackseriesphase4basic
Captain Ballast figure, tvctwobasic
Doctor Aphra figure, bssixthree
Battle Droid figure, ROTSBasic
Princess Leia Organa figure, TLCComic2-pack
Captain Phasma figure, RogueOneVs
Battle Droid figure, POTF2special
Stormtrooper figure, bssixthree
Captain Antilles figure, ROTSBasic
Rey figure, DisneyEliteSeriesPremium2016
Wicket figure, VintageRotj
Han Solo figure, Solomultipack
G2 Droid figure, DCMultipack
Mace Windu figure, ctsmulti
Saesee Tiin figure, CWAnimatedMultipack
Daisy Duck figure, DisneyCharacterFiguresBasic
Tessek figure, VintageRotj
Darth Vader figure, Retrobasic
Darth Maul figure, Episode1deluxe
General Grievous figure, SOTDSBluRay4pack
Jar Jar Binks figure, MHBasic
Han Solo figure, tvctwobasic
Clone Trooper figure, CWAnimatedMultipack