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Movie Heroes Series

The Star Wars: Movie Heroes toy line was released on January 30th 2012 and ended in Spring 2013. The basic figure assortment wasn't very popular with collectors because of the character selection and the many re-releases in the series of previously available Star Wars figures. The series was mainly aimed at children and many figures had action features such as light-up lightsabers or some sort of "spinning-action". Outside of the basic assortment, Hasbro released some fantastic collector focused gems such as the Ewok 5-pack, the Yavin pilot multipack (which included a newly sculpted Jek Porkins), and the newly sculpted Biker Scout with Speeder Bike.

Figure 2-Packs

Following figures were exclusively available in 2-packs at Target stores. There were a total of four figures.

Movie Heroes Series Darth Maul
Darth Maul Emergence Of The Sith
Target exclusive
Movie Heroes Series Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
Movie Heroes Series Palpatine (Darth Sidious)
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) Emergence Of The Sith
Target exclusive
Movie Heroes Series Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
Movie Heroes Series Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker The Rise Of Darth Vader
Target exclusive
Movie Heroes Series Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
Movie Heroes Series Darth Vader
Darth Vader The Rise Of Darth Vader
Target exclusive
Movie Heroes Series Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
GalacticFigures.com - The Star Wars Action Figure Database - A Free Resource For Collectors Since 2004
GalacticFigures.com - The Star Wars Action Figure Database - A Free Resource For Collectors Since 2004

Movie Heroes Series

Filter Applied: Figure 2-Packs : Image Left View

Number Name Title Exclusive Buy On Ebay (Sponsored) Variation Qty. Loose Qty. Carded
# Darth Maul Emergence Of The Sith Target Check The Price No
# Palpatine (Darth Sidious) Emergence Of The Sith Target Check The Price No
# Anakin Skywalker The Rise Of Darth Vader Target Check The Price No
# Darth Vader The Rise Of Darth Vader Target Check The Price No

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