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Jes Gistang Joker Squad 6-Pack The Legacy Collection
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Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.

Jes Gistang

The Legacy Collection
  • MSRP: $39.99 USD
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: Entertainment Earth
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2008
  • Released: 2009
  • Joint Count: 14
  • Joint Details: 1 Ball-jointed neck, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, 1 ball-jointed upper body, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
  • Accessory Count: 3
  • Accessory Details: 1 Blaster, 1 Rocket Launcher, 1 Stormtrooper helmet


  • This Joker Squad 6-pack was released in 2008/2009's Legacy Collection blue/white look exclusively at Entertainment Earth
  • The set included figures of Darth Maleval, Jes Gistang, Sergeant Harkas, Anson Trask, Hondo Karr and Vax Potorr
  • All the figures are realistic interpretations of the comic book characters from the Star Wars: Legacy comic book series
  • Jes Gistang came with a blaster, a rocket launcher and a removable Stormtrooper helmet
  • The Stormtrooper helmet fits well over the head and it's easy to take it off the figure
  • Out of all the Stormtroopers in this set, this is the only figure where the helmet fits well
  • For this figure Hasbro sculpted an entirely new female Stormtrooper body with a thinner waist, different chest plate and belt
  • There is no holster on the Stormtrooper belt
  • The blaster fits well into the right hand, the left hand is sculpted with two fingers pointing and it can't hold any accessories
  • The figure was painted and sculpted nicely
  • Jes Gistang stands well on display without falling over


The stormtroopers of the 407th division, Anson Trask, Sergeant Harkas, Jes Gistang, Hondo Karr, and Vax Potorr are sent to take down one of their own. The 908th division is going to defect to former Emperor Fel's side against the current Sith regime. The 407th is ordered to stop them, and Sith Lord Maleval joins them to ensure they finish the job. Trask's first mission as a stormtrooper challenges his ideals as well as his courage and has dire consequences for the rest of "Joker Squad" as well.

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