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Alum Frost Crimson Empire 6-Pack The Legacy Collection
All images are copyrighted by GalacticFigures.com unless stated otherwise.
Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.

Alum Frost

The Legacy Collection
  • MSRP: $34.99 USD
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: PX Previews
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2007
  • Released: 2008
  • Joint Count: 12
  • Joint Details: 1 Ball-jointed neck, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel elbows, 2 swivel forearms, 1 swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees
  • Accessory Count: 2
  • Accessory Details: 1 Removable Helmet, 1 Battle Staff


  • This Alum Frost figure was released in a 6-pack exclusively as a PX Previews exclusive
  • A PX Previews exclusive meant that you had to get this set through a specialty shop, like your local comic book shop or online
  • The set is based on characters which appeared in the Crimson Empire comic book series
  • The other figures in this set were Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, Carnor Jax, Kir Kanos and Lemmet Tauk
  • Alum Frost's weapon and body sculpt is identical to the other four guard figures in this set
  • The only unique part about this figure is the head sculpt and the paint application on the upper body and helmet (a great way to re-use sculpts Hasbro and get those characters out to fans!)
  • The staff weapon fits well into both hands and the figure is able to grab it with both hands at the same time
  • The very thin plastic helmet fits nicely over the head
  • The shoulder armor is not removable
  • Unfortunately the helmets don't have visors but a simple hole where they can see through
  • While posing the figure the forearms popped off multiple times, not a deal breaker, just a bit annoying
  • The pre-posed legs limit the stance the figure can be placed in, but it works well for a training/fighting display
  • For fans of the Crimson Empire comic book series, this set is for you, don't miss it!


The Royal Guard is Emperor Palpatine's elite security force. Clad in striking red robes, they are respected and feared throughout the galaxy for their elegant and deadly fighting skills. Candidates are chosen from the ranks of the Imperial squads and trained on the barren world of Yinchorr. They work hard to master the lessons being taught to them, for their very lives are at stake: When Darth Vader tests them in the Crucible arena, they do not get a second chance if they fail the test.

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