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Death Star Droid 5D6-RA7 The Legacy Collection
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Death Star Droid

The Legacy Collection
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2008
  • Released: 2008
  • Joint Count: 10
  • Joint Details: Head, 2 shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, ball-jointed waist, 2 hips, 2 ball-jointed knees
  • Accessory Count: 0
  • Accessory Details: None


This 5D6-RA7 Death Star Droid was released in wave 3 in 2008's Legacy Collection as a build-a-droid figure. 5D6-RA7 can be seen in Episode 4 walking by Luke, Han and Chewie while they are waiting for the elevator to arrive on the Death Star. The figure has a total of 10 joints, missing articulated wrists and ankles. The shoulders contain only swivel joints and limit the poses you can put the arms in.

The Protocol Droid's left lag is a bit shorter than the right, and because of it the figure has balancing problems and will fall over if you don't use a stand. The paint application looks pretty simple at first, but once you look closer you'll notice the rusty and used look. The cables in the middle of the droid's torso are cleanly painted with gold, a shiny silver and gray.

All in all, this 5D6-RA7 figure is a nice addition to the collection if you are a fan of figures from the original Star Wars movie. However, the balancing problems are annoying, and there were no weapons or accessories included with the figure.


There was no packaging text for 5D6-RA7. The figure was a BAD (build-a-droid) figure and could only be obtained when figures with all the individual parts were purchased and then assembled.

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