Protocol Droid (2022 Holiday Edition 2-Pack #2 of 6)
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Exclusive: Entertainment Earth / Big Bad Toy Store
Variations Recorded:
Year Imprinted: None
Released: 2022
Joint Count: 17
Joint Details: 1 Ball-jointed neck, 1 lower swivel neck (up and down movement), 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed wrists, 1 ball-jointed upper body, 2 ball-jointed hips, 2 swivel thighs (well hidden!), 2 swivel knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles, 2 swivel tools (one of each on the side of the knees)
Accessory Count: 1
Accessory Details: 1 Scarf
This Protocol Droid (Holiday Edition 2022) was released single boxed in November 2022 exclusively through Entertainment Earth and Big Bad Toystore (and
The Protocol Droid is a repaint of the C-3PO figure from 2016 which also comes with a repainted scarf accessory from the Lando Calrissian figure from 2018
The scarf can easily be taken off the figure
The two side cannons (or tools) on the outside of the droid's knees are movable 360 degrees
This figure still features the old arms where the elbows can't bend unfortunately
There are no removable panels on the droid
The hands were sculpted with open palms and can't hold any accessories
The festive paint application looks charming, especially the white and green "socks"
The Protocol Droid (Holiday Edition 2022) stands well on display without falling over
Celebrate the season with specially designed Star Wars figures from The Black Series!