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Stormtrooper 2-Pack With Rebel Fleet Trooper & Stormtrooper Star Wars The Black Series
All images are copyrighted by GalacticFigures.com unless stated otherwise.
Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.


Star Wars The Black Series
  • MSRP: $39.99 USD
  • Scale: 6"
  • Exclusive: Hasbro Pulse / Disney Store
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2020
  • Released: 2024
  • Joint Count: 18
  • Joint Details: 1 Barbell-jointed neck, 1 ball-jointed lower neck, 2 butterfly-jointed shoulders, 2 swivel-hinged shoulders, 2 swivel-hinged elbows, 2 swivel-hinged wrists, 1 ball-jointed upper body, 1 barbell-jointed hip, 2 swivel thighs, 2 swivel-hinged knees, 2 rocker ankles
  • Accessory Count: 1
  • Accessory Details: 1 Blaster Rifle


  • This Black Series Stormtrooper figure was released in a 2-pack together with a Rebel Fleet Trooper in July 2024 exclusively through HasbroPulse.com and DisneyStore.com
  • A few weeks after this set was released it could also be found at Gamestop stores
  • This figure is a straight repack of this Black Series Stormtrooper from August 2020
  • The included blaster is different from a regular E-11 blaster, it has a longer magazine sticking out on the side and it has a flashlight attached
  • The weapon fits well into both hands
  • The shoulder bells are made out of very soft plastic so that you get a better range of motion for the arms
  • The paint application on the trooper looks very shiny (nice!)
  • The figure stands well on display without falling over
  • Unfortunately the helmet on the figure is too small when compared to the rest of the body, otherwise it's a brilliant Stormtrooper figure and a cool army builder
  • A missed opportunity for this rerelease is the addition of a holster and a regular E-11 blaster, so that this Stormtrooper could have been considered an original trilogy trooper


There was no biography or packaging text for the figure on the packaging.

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