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Darth Maul  Star Wars Epic Hero Series
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Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.

Darth Maul

Star Wars Epic Hero Series
  • MSRP: $19.99 USD
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: None
  • Released: 2024
  • Joint Count: 5
  • Joint Details: 1 Ball-jointed neck, 2 swivel shoulders, 2 swivel hips
  • Accessory Count: 4
  • Accessory Details: 1 Double-Bladed Lightsaber Which Can Be Taken Apart Into Two Sabers, 1 Chest Armor, 1 Red Energy Attachment


  • This Darth Maul figure was released at a $19.99 price point in the Star Wars: Epic Hero Series in early August 2024
  • This version of Darth Maul is reminiscent of a Darth Maul concept design for Star Wars: Episode 1, and Hasbro released a version of it during the Power Of The Jedi toy line in 2001, take a look at the figure here: POTJ Darth Maul
  • This Darth Maul figure shares parts with the single carded Epic Hero Series Darth Maul figure, you can look at both figures side-by-side here
  • Hasbro included Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber, a chest armor piece and a red force attachment
  • The double bladed lightsaber can be taken apart into two single sabers
  • Both lightsaber hilts fit will into Darth Maul's hands
  • The figure has a hole in the back where an accessory from another Epic Hero figure can be plugged in
  • The chest armor piece wraps well around Darth Maul's upper body
  • The red force attachment can be clipped onto the saber hilts
  • This Darth Maul figure feels very sturdy and with only five movable joints it'll be difficult to break
  • This set is similar to Hasbro's deluxe offerings priced between $12.99 and $15, but unfortunately, the $20 price tag doesn't reflect the value of what's inside the box
  • If you are looking to add this figure to your collection, wait for a deal


Darth Maul wields an intimidating double-bladed lightsaber and the power of the Dark Side.

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