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Accessory Details: 1 Blaster Rifle, 1 Removable Front Cover
This Vintage Collection IG-12 figure was released on a card together with Grogu and an Anzellan in March 2025
This figure was released on a wider "deluxe" card and cost more than a regular TVC figure at the time ($24.99 instead of $16.99)
IG-12 can be seen in the third season of the Mandalorian tv series
For this figure Hasbro re-used parts of the IG-11 figure, you can see a comparison of both droids standing next to each other here: IG-11 and IG-12 comparison
Hasbro included IG-12's blaster rifle and a removable front cover with the droid
The front cover plugs into two holes and can be removed entirely so that either Grogu or the Anzellan can be placed on the inside of IG-12's body
The blaster rifle fits well into IG-12's hands
IG-12 was sculpted well and has the correct height, it feels sturdy and has all the articulation you'd want in this figure
Unfortunately where this figure falls short is with the paint application, this is a very clean looking droid without any weathering or wash on it
Given everything this droid endured and how long its body was displayed as a statue on Nevarro, Hasbro needed to put more effort into capturing the dirt/weathering on the figure to capture the likeness more accurately
Keep in mind that this figure was being sold as a Deluxe release at a higher price point ($24.99 instead of $16.99), greater attention to detail was expected
Clever Anzellan droidsmiths have refurbished IG-11's salvaged parts into a pilotable frame for Grogu, who can operate the droid body like a vehicle. Stripped to base motor functions, the droid has been renamed IG-12.