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This Mandalorian With Speeder Bike set was released in December 2024 exclusively through Walmart
After being available for a few weeks only this set went from $19.99 to less than $8 on the Walmart website where it took several weeks to sell out
The Mandalorian figure included here is a nice upgrade from the single carded Epic Hero Mandalorian figure, it now features several additional points of articulation
The figure can sit on the included Speeder Bike, but it's not a great fit
Mando can hold the included Darksaber well in the hands and it's easy to put the plastic cape on and off the figure
There are three holes in this Mandalorian figure, one in the back, and two in the forearms, where accessories from other figures can be plugged in for play
The Speeder Bike looks quite nice, and it has several holes on it where the included rocket launcher can be attached
There is a peg on the back of the bike where an accessory can be plugged in (not included, but it'll work with the bag for Grogu which came with the Biker Scout for example)
The rocket launcher has a red button on the top which when pressed shoots out the red rocket projectile
All in all, this is a fun set for children which feels very sturdy and durable
The Mandalorian traversed Tatooine on a speeder bike, a vehicle capable of high-speed travel that requires skill and fast reflexes.