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BB-8 With Millennium Falcon The Force Awakens Collection
All images are copyrighted by GalacticFigures.com unless stated otherwise.
Pictured accessories may or may not be in scale with one another.


The Force Awakens Collection
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: None
  • Released: 2015
  • Joint Count: 2
  • Joint Details: 360 Degree Rotatable Head, 1 ball-joint inside the body (allows for back and forth and circle movement)
  • Accessory Count: 0
  • Accessory Details: None


  • BB-8 was released together with the Millennium Falcon
  • The set also included figures of Finn and Chewbacca
  • There are subtle differences between this BB-8 and the previously released BB-8 figure
  • This version of BB-8 was given a dirtier paint application - this is most notably around BB-8's rings
  • BB-8's antennas are also painted differently and the droid is missing the black highlights on the dome
  • You can compare any Star Wars action figure in our database side by side - check out both BB-8 figures here: BB-8 comparison
  • The bottom was given a peg hole - now the figure can be placed onto one of the many pegs around the Millennium Falcon
  • This version is also slightly heavier than the previously released BB-8
  • The head can be turned 360 degrees
  • The head is attached to the body via a plastic stick which allows BB-8's head to be moved into any direction (in addition to the possible 360 degree motion)
  • There is no magnet inside the body and BB-8 can't be rolled around
  • BB-8's antennas are not removable

The Millennium Falcon

  • This version of the Millennium Falcon is a toy designed for children
  • Press a button on the side of the Falcon and the Nerf Dart compartment opens up - press it again and the NERF dart comes flying out
  • There is room on both sides on the front of the Falcon to store Nerf darts
  • The back of the Falcon can be opened - which then reveals the holo chess table - a smuggler compartment to store weapons in - the medical bay and the "hyperdrive engine"
  • The Hyperdrive Engine can be turned off or on - if you turn it on the Falcon makes the flight noises - when it's turned off - it'll make the failed Hyperdrive sound
  • The electronics in the Falcon are done very well - the flight sounds are motion activated - you lift the Falcon up and the engine comes on - you fly around with it and it makes flying sounds - you land and the engines are powered down -> awesome!
  • The cockpit has room for two figures - for example Finn and Chewie fit - but it's a tight fit and they can't hold the controls properly in their hands
  • The top part which covers the Falcon's back can be used as an extension and a playset platform
  • The Falcon came with a movable Laser cannon which can be plugged into the floor in eight different positions
  • The Falcon's main laser cannon has room for one figure - even though Chewbacca is fairly tall - the figure fits nicely
  • The Millennium Falcon is noticeably smaller than the Big Millennium Falcon from a few years ago this way a child can actually pick it up and fly around with it
  • After playing with the Falcon for over a week - we think that this is an overpriced - but nicely designed toy for kids
  • The Millennium Falcon set was aquired through TheIncredibleToyBox.com -> use promo code JEDIBUSINESS for an additional 10% off!


An extensively modified Corellian light freighter, the Millennium Falcon is a legend in smuggler circles and is coveted by many for being the fastest hung of junk in the galaxy.

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