This animated-style Undead Geonosian Warrior was released individually carded during the Clone Wars Collection in November 2010. Undead Geonosian's can be seen in the second season of the Clone Wars, in the episode Legacy Of Terror.
The Geonosian has fantastic articulation with 14 joints. 12 out of the 14 are ball-joints, with the only swivel joints found in the wrists. Even the hip was given ball-joints! It's a very thin figure overall, but with so many adjustable joints, it's possible to have the figure stand quite well on its own, and even give it more dynamic, battle-oriented poses. There were quite a few accessories included, like the Sonic blaster, 4 wings which can be attached individually, chest armor (which plugs into the front), and a sting (which plugs into the back). The blaster looks nice, but unfortunately the Geonosian can't hold it very well due to the wide open hands. The sting on the back acts as a hub, a housing piece for all the wings. Luckily, all four wings and the chest armor plug in very well and stay firmly attached once in place. However, because there are so pieces close together, it might take a while before you are able to make it look good, and not have once piece after another fall off.
The paint job on the Undead Geonosian is well executed, with nice darker colors and very subtle dirt on the entire figure's body. The sculpt with its cool looking head, looks just like the Undead Geonosian's in the "Legacy Of Terror" episode. All in all, this figure turned out very well! It's ultra articulated, looks stunning, has lots of accessories and makes a brilliant army builder figure!
Undead Geonosian warriors lurk in a vast underground hive. They are under the control of their queen, Karina the Great, who uses a green worm to bring dead Geonosians to life. Obi-Wan, Anakin and a squad of clone troopers battle these mindless zombies to rescue Luminara Unduli from her Geonosian captors.