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Geonosian Warrior 2010 Set #4 The Legacy Collection
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Geonosian Warrior

The Legacy Collection
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: Target
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2005
  • Released: 2010
  • Joint Count: 14
  • Joint Details: Ball-jointed neck, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 swivel wrists, swivel waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
  • Accessory Count: 4
  • Accessory Details: 2 Wings, Staff, Sonic Blaster


This Geonosian Warrior was released in a Target exclusive 2-pack in Fall 2010 together with Jedi Master Shaak Ti. The set was part of the Geonosis Arena Showdown series, which started in 2009 during The Legacy Collection, and by Fall of 2010 consisted of twelve 2-packs totaling 24 figures. Geonosian Warriors can be seen in the arena battle on Geonosis in Attack Of The Clones.

The Geonosian Warrior is super articulated, featuring a ball-jointed neck, ball-jointed shoulders, ball-jointed elbows, ball-jointed knees and ball-jointed ankles. The wrists, the waist and both leg joints were given swivel joints. Thanks to big feet and adjustable knees and ankles, the Geonosian Warrior stands very securely on his own without a stand. There were two weapons included, and two detachable wings. Both weapons fit very well into both of the figure's hands and stay firmly attached. The sonic blaster might take a little extra tweaking, but once it's in place, it'll stay. Both wings can be plugged into the back of the figure, and once in place, the height of them can be adjusted. The top part of the figure's chest armor is part of the mold and non-removable.

The paint application on the Geonosian Warrior looks nice, giving it a reptile like appearance. The used look on the armor pieces looks also very nice. Where this figure shines though is in the fantastic, super articulated sculpt, which captures the likeness of this creature spot-on. All in all, this Geonosian Warrior is a welcome addition to the collection and the steady growing line-up of Attack Of The Clones figures.


The Jedi Knights rush to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan, Anakin and Padme from execution. The Jedi brandish their lightsabers against the Geonosian warriors and the massive army of battle droids, super battle droids and droidekas. All hope seems lost that any Jedi will survive this battle, then Yoda arrives with an army of clone troopers. Although many Jedi are lost that day, others survive this climatic battle that ushers in the Clone Wars.

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