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The Force Awakens Collection 3.75"

The Star Wars The Force Awakens toy line was released globally on Force Friday September 4th, 2015. You can read our coverage of the global event here: Star Wars Force Friday Coverage. The toy line focused on characters from Star Wars The Force Awakens, but it also included characters from other Star Wars movies and the Star Wars Rebels TV show. For the Star Wars The Force Awakens toy line, Hasbro decided to not give each Star Wars figure its own number. Each basic carded figure came with a Build-A-Weapon accessory, you can look at all the fully assembled weapons here: Build-A-Weapon Guide.

A New Hope

The Force Awakens Collection Chewbacca
Chewbacca Epic Battles Ep4: A New Hope
Toys'R'Us exclusive
The Force Awakens Collection Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
The Force Awakens Collection Han Solo
Han Solo Star Wars Set #1
The Force Awakens Collection Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
The Force Awakens Collection Princess Leia Organa
Princess Leia Organa Star Wars Set #1
The Force Awakens Collection Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
The Force Awakens Collection Stormtrooper
Stormtrooper Epic Battles Ep4: A New Hope
Toys'R'Us exclusive
The Force Awakens Collection Buy On Ebay (sponsored link)
GalacticFigures.com - The Star Wars Action Figure Database - A Free Resource For Collectors Since 2004
GalacticFigures.com - The Star Wars Action Figure Database - A Free Resource For Collectors Since 2004

The Force Awakens Collection

Filter Applied: A New Hope : Image Front View

Name Title Exclusive Buy On Ebay (Sponsored) Variation Qty. Loose Qty. Carded
Chewbacca Epic Battles Ep4: A New Hope Toys'R'Us Check The Price No
Han Solo Star Wars Set #1 No Check The Price No
Princess Leia Organa Star Wars Set #1 No Check The Price No
Stormtrooper Epic Battles Ep4: A New Hope Toys'R'Us Check The Price No

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