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Thank You To The Toy And Geek Fest!

7/4/2018 ToyAndGeekFest JediBusiness.com

This past weekend we had the pleasure to attend the ToyAndGeekFest in Puyallup, WA and we'd like to say thank you to the organizers for inviting JediBusiness.com to be a small part of the event. 

Here is a picture of one of the roundtable discussions about collecting Star Wars, from left to right: Brian Volk-Weiss (producer of the Toys That Made Us Netflix TV show), Mark Bellomo (author of The Ultimate Guide To Vintage Star Wars Action Figures), Jake Stevens (standing, From 4LOMToZuckuss.com), Criz Bee (JediBusiness.com), Gus Lopez (TheSWCA.com, speaker and author of several Star Wars collecting books), Jordan Hembrough (host of the Toy Hunter TV show o the Travel Channel and QuestTV).
