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Mos Eisley Cantina - Additional Information And Clarifications

6/26/2024 The Vintage Collection HasLab

Hasbro invited GalacticFigures.com to participate in a webinar this morning where Jing (Marketing) and Chris (Design) from the Hasbro Star Wars team answered some questions and clarified additional details about the HasLab Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina. Before diving into the Q&A the Hasbro team announced that Hammerhead (Momaw Nadon) will be released as part of the "Return To Tatooine" focus in 2025. Below are the main take-aways from the presentation.  

Q) Can you clarify the exclusivity of the figures, specifically for the tiers?

A) "The base characters, Wuher, Senni and Brea Tonnika, will only be available with this Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina HasLab campaign with no current plans to release them separately."

"If we reach our stretch-goal tiers, Greedo, Nabrun Leids and Arleil Schous will receive exclusive cardbacks that will only be available in this HasLab project. If unlocked, that could mean that we may or may not revisit these characters in the future on different cardbacks. No guarantees on when or if that would happen. Specifically for the tiers, if a tier is not reached, the figure could still be done in the future on a different cardback."

"It is however not guaranteed when and if that is going to happen, but by unlocking a tier in the HasLab, that tooling would make it more likely for future re-uses in the line. We hope all the tiers fund and make this tooling available in our library for possible future TVC offerings. If any future use or releases of these characters would happen, it would be an effort to deliver the characters to even more fans while preserving the uniqueness of these HasLab versions and the exclusivity of the cardback."

Q) Did you forget to include the stage for the Cantina Band? 

A) There was no actual stage in the cantina. The cantina band was shot in pick-up shots in Los Angeles after principal photography in the UK had wrapped and the band was performing in an alcove.

Q) How big is the Mos Eisley Cantina?

A) Below are graphics which show the dimensions of the diorama parts.

Mos Eisley Cantina Dimensions

Q) Are there different packaging styles for the base model and the deluxe version? 

A) Both will come in the same TVC box and will be mailed in the same shipper box. However, the deluxe model will have an additional brown box on the inside for the extra parts. 

Q) How many accessories are included? 

A) Below is a fun menu-style overview of what is included.

Mos Eisley Cantina Accessories

Q) Any plans to release future Cantina aliens to support the longevity of the Mos Eisley Cantina?

A) We have a world-building plan for the coming year for the Vintage Collection #ReturnToTatooine. With our HasLab campaigns we want to continue supporting these product lines as much as possible. We've done it with past campaigns like the Sail Barge where we've released Jabba's denizens or for the Razor Crest we just pipeline revealed the Blurgg, those are just a few of the examples. For the Cantina we have already pipeline revealed Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Ben Kenobi, Chewbacca and today Hammerhead, but that's just the beginning. 

Q) The lack of flooring for the Cantina, have you considered adding a cardboard floor?

A) We had all kinds of considerations while we were working on it, but the Cantina was built to be modular to help fans display their way. The flooring would inhibit that. 

Q) Why isn't the HasLab timeframe the regular 45 days?

A) Every HasLab campaign is slightly different, this one in particular had several different factors to consider. From knowing that a big event at the end of July with San Diego Comic Con was coming to fans knowing that a HasLab was coming since March.

Q) Why is now the right time for the Cantina and the return to Tatooine? Why not focus on the 25th Anniversary of The Phantom Menace or The Bad Batch Crew?

A) There is a great community of supporters for the Original Trilogy, especially for a dream environment, a dream HasLab like the Cantina, with some never before done figures to go along with it, as well as some great updates with modern articulation for some other figures. The Original Trilogy is core, it's foundational, and for this HasLab we wanted to focus on a classic one and the theme of returning to Tatooine. So we thought it was time and we know a lot of fans agree with us. However, we know that the Star Wars galaxy is vast and we have so many worlds and stories to choose from, that is the beauty of Star Wars. We of course appreciate the other eras, and just to share, for the up-coming San Diego Comic Con we are not going to focus on Return To Tatooine, but on other Star Wars entertainment. 

Not all the questions covered during the presentation were submitted by GalacticFigures.com. Thank you to Hasbro for the invitation! You can back the Vintage Collection Mos Eisley Cantina on HasbroPulse.com until July 8, 2024.