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How To Purchase The Starspeeder 3000 Vehicle

8/9/2024 Star Tours D23

Disney's announcement of the D23 exclusive Starspeeder 3000 vehicle created a surge of excitement within the Galactic Figures community, accompanied by a sense of urgency due to the limited run of just 3,000 units. To address any remaining questions about the Starspeeder 3000's online availability, Galactic Figures reached out to their Disney contact. The following write-up, based on information directly from Disney, provides clear answers to any lingering uncertainties.

Q) At What Date & Time Will The Starspeeder 3000 Vehicle Be Available Online? 

A) Monday, 8/12/2024 at 8am PT.

Q) Do you need a D23 Membership in order to buy the vehicle online? 

A) A D23 membership is not required to shop the products on DisneyStore.com on Monday.

Q) Is the landing page for the vehicle live?

A) Yes, you can find it here on the DisneyStore.com website.

Q) In case the Starspeeder 3000 sells out during D23, are there any units allocated for the online sale?

A) Great question! There will be units available for both D23: The Ultimate Disney Fan Event weekend and online on DisneyStore.com starting Monday, August 12.

Thank you to Disney for answering the GF community questions. Good luck to everyone who wants this vehicle and MTFBWY!

Starspeeder 3000

Starspeeder 3000

Starspeeder 3000

Starspeeder 3000

Starspeeder 3000

Starspeeder 3000

Starspeeder 3000