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Darth Maul & K-2SO X 2

8/12/2024 The Black Series The Vintage Collection

Pre-orders on August 13, 2024, 1pm ET:

Previously revealed:

Hot on the heels of Disney's D23 convention last weekend, Hasbro unveiled new additions to their Star Wars action figure lines, including the Black Series 6" and the 3 3/4" Vintage Collection. The Black Series will expand with two new figures: Darth Maul, featuring Phantom Menace packaging, and K-2SO, in Andor packaging. Meanwhile, the Vintage Collection will see the re-release of K-2SO, this time in Andor packaging instead of his original Rogue One packaging.

All three figures are mainline releases and expected in Winter 2024, the pricing hasn't changed and stays the same with $24.99 for a Black Series 6" figure, and $16.99 for the Vintage Collection figure.

Black Series Darth Maul

Black Series K-2SO

Vintage Collection K-2SO