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Epic Hero Series Unite The Clans 3-Pack Archived

9/26/2024 Epic Hero Series The Mandalorian

You can now find the latest multipack from Hasbro's Epic Hero Series archived here on GalacticFigures.com! The set includes a repack of Paz Vizsla, a repaint of Bo-Katan and a new figure of Axe Woves. Axe is particular interesting because he's pretty buff, which brings memories back from the late 1980s and 1990s! The price for this 3-pack was very competitive at $19.99, and you can check Amazon here (sponsored link) if you need some background Mandos or if you are looking for Star Wars figures for a kid. If you want to learn more about each figure have a look at the figure entries please:

Epic Hero Series Unite The Clans