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Vintage Collection Numbering Refinement

3/25/2025 The Vintage Collection

Steve Evans, Senior Design Director at Hasbro, who works on the Star Wars brand, posted following information about the numbering of Vintage Collection figures on his Instagram account

Our Dengar ‘VC01A’ re-release, featuring updated inkjet-printed portrait, kicks off a refined VC numbering system to keep things clearer and more consistent for collectors. Going forward, TVC figures will fall into one of four types: 


New characters or costume versions entering the TVC figure line for the first time will get a NEW VC#


Mostly or fully retooled versions of previously released figures will get a NEW VC#


Re-released figs with zero changes (No new tooling, deco, or accessories) will keep their ORIGINAL VC#


Re-released figs with minor changes (updated deco, accessories, tooling or articulation) will get a VC# + SUFFIX (A, B, C). Suffixes helps flag small updates without assigning a brand new VC number, so collectors can decide if it fits into their collection without needing to follow a strict chronological lineup. Any of the figure types above might also get new front cardback images on a case-by-case basis, since we know many enjoy chasing card variants.

Hopefully this finds a balance in the Force for you all.

We commend Hasbro for their efforts to provide clarity in collecting the figures, but it also highlights how collecting TVC has become increasingly complex, particularly for newcomers.

VC Numbering