Welcome to a newly re-designed Galactic Figures! It's been quiet here for a while, but we've been working on some new updates behind the scenes for several months! And today we are proud to show you these new exciting enhancements and additions to the website!
Now it's easier and faster than ever before to look-up Star Wars action figures with over 20 new additions to the website! There are more exciting updates to follow in the coming months, but for now here is a list of what's new in the "phase I" roll-out!
What's New?
- A new addition is the VINTAGE section, which contains Star Wars figures from 1978, 1985
- The vintage section contains some truly rare unproduced figures from the Ewoks and Droids animated toy lines, which even some hardcore vintage collectors will enjoy checking out!
- The toy line sections have been restructured and now include Hasbro's numbering for basic figures, plus it can be filtered with an additional drop down for sub-sections like Battle Packs, Cinema Scenes, Comic 2-packs etc... This is in addition to the head shots, reference pictures and lists
- The "figure detail pages" have been re-designed to display the figure's information more clearly
- 6 inch Star Wars figures are now part of the archive, check out The Black Series 6 inch section!
- In order to differentiate 3 3/4 and 6 inch figures, each figure will now display the scale on the actual picture of the figure, making it easy to differentiate
- The archive has been updated with over 200 Star Wars figures previously not available on the website
- A new look and feel, a re-structured top navigation, more room to display figures, a bigger font to make it easier to read
- The website contains a new section which is called "get inspired", where the focus is on long-time Star Wars collector's displays, the first two entries are from Super-Collector Bill McBride, who's been collecting Darth Vader items for more than 20 years, and Tom Berges from IGrewUpStarWars.com who shares his beautifully displayed vintage collection
- Each page contains a re-structured footer element with quicker access to articles and site sections
- To make it easier for new collectors, we've started a Glossary with abbreviations and common terminology found in the hobby. It's far from complete, but it'll grow. You can help out by leaving your comments: Glossary
- The comments section has been widened, you can now leave comments on articles and each toy line section (which is in addition to each figure entry)
- We've set up a page with links to resources for collectors. There you will find links to pages which are maintained by people who love Star Wars action figures as much as us, from fans for fans. In addition you will find a list of books which are worth taking a look at: Collector Resources
- We brought back the news and announcement section on the main page, which makes it easier to communicate updates or related collecting news to you! We've also added an archive section so you can go back in time and look up older announcements
- We've re-worked the "More Options" sections, which is smarter now than before, providing you with links related to the figure you are looking at
- The Clone Wars animated toy line can now be found on one page, instead of various separate pages for each year
- The MASTER LIST has been re-worked and now contains the 6 inch figures, vintage figures, and it loads more than twice as fast compared to the old one: Star Wars Action Figure List
- The website has a new site section called TOOLBOX, where you can find all the handy tools on one page: Toolbox
- Each main character, such as Anakin Skywalker or Han Solo was given extra filters, you can now sort them by their movie or expanded universe appearance
There are more new additions in the works already, and we'll be updating the archive with all the new figures shortly as well!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook where we'll highlight new figures on the website and new site sections: Jedi Business on Facebook
So stay tuned for more and please leave your comments below!
Thank you and MTFBWY