Han Solo - SOLO: A Star Wars Story - 2018

There was no packaging text or character biography on the back of the packaging.

Han Solo With Kessel Run Millennium Falcon

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Admiral Piett figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Stormtrooper figure, Solomultipack
Hobbie Klivian figure, TACComic2-pack
Anakin Skywalker figure, SkywalkerSaga2Packs
Wuher figure, OTCScreenScene
Shadow Guard figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Kylo Ren figure, tfaclass4
C-3PO figure, POTF2cinema
Bogling figure, blackseriesphase4basic
ARC Trooper figure, OCWBasic
Galactic Marine figure, TACOrder66
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, TLC2
Juno Eclipse figure, TAC2008
Yoda figure, TSCHeroesAndVillains
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, TACOrder66
Amanin figure, TLCComic2-pack
R8 Unit figure, DCmultipack
Inferno Squad Agent figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Lando Calrissian figure, potjbasic
Battle Droid figure, Episode1special
Sabé figure, potjbasic
Ahsoka Tano figure, CW2
Rebel Fleet Trooper figure, tvctroopbuilders
Battle Droid figure, TSCBasic