Shadow Stormtrooper - Star Wars The Black Series - 2020

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed follows Darth Vader's secret apprentice, trained to hunt down and destroy Jedi, while Shadow Stormtroopers use cloaking devices to ambush enemies.

Shadow Stormtrooper The Force Unleashed

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Anson Trask figure, TLCBattlepack
Ten Numb figure, TLCEvolutions2008
Moroff figure, RogueOneNoneTraditional
Clone Trooper figure, TCWBasic2008
Admiral Thrawn figure, bssixthree
Incinerator Stormtrooper figure, tvctwobasic
Clone Trooper Hevy figure, CW2
BB-8 figure, ctsmulti
Han Solo figure, blackthree
Moff Gideon figure, tvccarbonized
Anakin Skywalker figure, TACComic2-pack
Death Squad Commander figure, BlackSeries40
MSE Droid figure, SAGASpecial
Bultar Swan figure, TACComic2-pack
Commander Ponds figure, SLB
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, bssixthreeblue
Baze Malbus figure, TheLastJedi2Pack
Darth Maul figure, mhdeluxe
Padmé Amidala figure, OTCPost
Snowtrooper Commander figure, TSCBasic
Garazeb Orrelios figure, tfapack
Clone Trooper figure, TSCBasic
Wicket figure, blackseriesphase4jedi40th
Anakin Skywalker figure, TCW2009