Clone Trooper - Celebrate The Saga - 2020

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine created a Grand Army Of The Republic, featuring legions of clone troopers, massive Star Cruisers, and advanced weaponry.

Clone Trooper Republic 5-Pack

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Bossk figure, VTSC
Geonosian Pilot figure, OCWvehicle
Lando Calrissian figure, TACComic2-pack
Stormtrooper Commander figure, swlm
Qui-Gon Jinn figure, retromultipack
DJ figure, TheLastJediBasic
Han Solo figure, tvctwobasic
R2-S4M figure, blackthreeexclusive
Porg figure, TVCExclusive2
Resistance Trooper figure, bssixthree
CZ-4 figure, TACBasic2007
Roron Corobb figure, TACBasic2007
C-3PO figure, VintageEsb
Luke Skywalker figure, TVCBasic
Clone Trooper Echo figure, TCWBattlepack
Wat Tambor figure, SAGA2003
Luke Skywalker figure, VintageEsb
Rebel Fleet Trooper figure, SAGA2002
Kit Fisto figure, CW2
Imperial Dignitary figure, VintagePotf
Clone Trooper figure, TCW2Packs
Probe Droid figure, vintageEPackIn
Death Star Droid figure, TACLegends
Princess Leia Organa figure, bssixthreeexclusive