R7-A7 - Star Wars The Vintage Collection - 2024

After Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi Order, her trusty astromech droid R7-A7 stayed by her side to combat the forces of the Galactic Empire.

R7-A7 Escape From Order 66 4-Pack

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

MSE Droid figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Stormtrooper Officer figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Han Solo figure, TLCBattlepack
Savage Opress figure, CW2
AT-ST Driver figure, BS2Exclusive
Darth Vader figure, TACSpecial
Clone Trooper Echo figure, TCW2009
Oppo Rancisis figure, SAGAScreenScene
Hem Dazon figure, TSCBasic
Bib Fortuna figure, tvctwobasic
Firefighter Droid figure, TCW2009
Padmé Amidala figure, Episode1Basic2
Yoda figure, TVCExclusive
Clone Trooper figure, SLM
R2-B1 figure, DTFBattlepack
Mandalorian Death Watch Airborne Trooper figure, tvctwobasic
Shoretrooper figure, blackseriesphase4archive
Palpatine (Darth Sidious) figure, Retrobasic
George Lucas figure, VTSC
IT-O Interrogation Droid figure, blackseriesphase4archive
Darth Vader figure, TLCDroidFactory
Oochee figure, TACBattlepack
Pit Droid figure, Episode1Basic3
Stormtrooper figure, POTF2commtech