Jabba The Hutt - Star Wars The Black Series - 2014

Smoking his hookah pipe, Jabba The Hutt enjoys music and dancing in his palace, surrounded by criminals, bounty hunters, and his monkey-lizard, Salacious Crumb. When he receives a request to free the carbon-frozen Han Solo, Jabba quickly dismisses the idea and returns to his entertainment.

"Peecha wangee cogh pah. Tong nam nee took chan kee troi. Solo thawt du ma kee chalia."

Translation: "I will not give up my favorite decoration. I like Captain Solo where he is."

Jabba The Hutt Return Of The Jedi

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Plourr Ilo figure, TLCComic2-pack2009
Tiree figure, MHBattlePack
Sandtrooper figure, SAGASpecial
Anakin Skywalker figure, TACBattlepack
R2-D2 figure, POTF2leia
Chewbacca figure, Soloplayset
BB-8 figure, RogueOneNoneTraditional
Momaw Nadon figure, vintagestarwars
Darth Vader figure, TACSpecial
Luke Skywalker figure, SAGA2004
Kylo Ren figure, TFABasic
C1-10P Chopper figure, tfapack
Darth Vader figure, POTJMultipack
Mustafar Sentry figure, ROTSBasic
Krrsantan figure, TVCExclusive2
Battle Droid figure, TCW2Packs
Sandtrooper figure, tvclostline
Clone Trooper figure, TACBasic2007
Second Sister Inquisitor figure, bssixthree
Luke Skywalker figure, bssixthree
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, SAGADeluxe
Cad Bane figure, TCWDeluxe
Dexter Jettster figure, SAGA2002
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, tvcrereleases