R2-D2 - The Disney Collection - 2015

Whether he is delivering a secret message to Obi-Wan Kenobi or saving the classic heroes of the Rebel Alliance from the trash compactor on the Death Star, R2-D2 is always ready for any mission. For the first time, R2-D2 is portrayed as his own holographic transmission action figure. What secret information does R2 carry this time? Join R2-D2 on his adventure throughout the galaxy.

R2-D2 Holographic

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Canto Bight Police Officer figure, TheLastJediClassB
Kylo Ren figure, TFABasic
Clone Pilot (Gunship Pilot) figure, TLCBattlepack
Captain Rex figure, TCWBattlepack
2-1B figure, VintageEsb
Wuher figure, POTF2special
Anakin Skywalker figure, SLB
C-3PO figure, SAGA2002
Princess Leia Organa figure, bssixthreeblue
Anakin Skywalker figure, potjbasic
Kithaba figure, VintagePotf
Ulic Qel-Droma figure, TLCComic2-pack2009
Lott Dod figure, SAGA2002
R2-H16 figure, DISNEYBasic
Ketwol figure, potjbasic
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, SkywalkerSaga2Packs
Luke Skywalker figure, potf2basic
Poe Dameron figure, SkywalkerSaga2Packs
Ak-Rev figure, TLCBasic2008
Poe Dameron figure, DisneyEliteSeriesDieCastBasic2017
Dud Bolt figure, TSCBasic
Babu Frik figure, blackseriesphase4holiday
Yoda figure, CW3
Qui-Gon Jinn figure, SAGA2002