Darth Vader - Disney Elite Series Die Cast - 2015

In collaboration with Lucasfilm, Disney Store is proud to introduce the Star Wars Elite Series, a premium line of toys featuring iconic characters from the expansive world of Star Wars. This exclusive collection is meticulously engineered and crafted with Star Wars fans in mind.

Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith lord and led the Empire's eradication of the Jedi Order. He remained in service of the Emperor, the evil Darth Sidious, for decades, enforcing his masters will and seeking to crush the fleeting Rebel Alliance. But there was still good in him.

Darth Vader A New Hope

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Qui-Gon Jinn figure, TVCBasic
Shadow Trooper figure, TACSpecial
Bossk figure, swlm
Death Star Gunner figure, potf2basic
Trachta figure, TLCComic2-pack
Kit Fisto figure, ROTSBasic
Biker Scout figure, OTCExclusive
Luke Skywalker figure, SAGASpecial
Kylo Ren figure, StarWarsToyBoxBasic
Lando Calrissian figure, TACComic2-pack
Princess Leia Organa figure, BS2Exclusive
Porg figure, TVCExclusive2
Keyan Farlander figure, TVCBasic
Din Djarin figure, TVCExclusive2
Stitch figure, DisneyCharacterFiguresBasic
R2-RN8W figure, DISNEYBasic
Commander Wolffe figure, CW3
Stormtrooper figure, tvcrereleases
Hondo Karr figure, TLCBattlepack
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, RogueOneNoneTraditional
Kir Kanos figure, TLCBattlepack
Snowtrooper figure, TLC2
Chewbacca figure, Retrobasic
Darth Maul figure, potjbasic