MSE Droid - The Last Jedi Collection - 2017

There was no biography or character information on the back of the packaging.

MSE Droid With General Hux

Featured Figures

Click on the images to get more information about the figure!

Yoda figure, TSCHeroesAndVillains
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, SLM
Val figure, bssixthree
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, DTFBasic
Darth Vader figure, DCMultipack
Commander Bacara figure, TSCHeroesAndVillains
Obi-Wan Kenobi figure, TCWBasic2008
TX-21 figure, TCWDeluxe
Ten Numb figure, TLCEvolutions2008
Mace Windu figure, TACOrder66
Yoda figure, bsarchive
Sergeant Kreel figure, blackseriesphase4comicbook
Aayla Secura figure, ROTSBasic
Boba Fett figure, bscarbonized
Darth Vader figure, TBSBasic2013
Darth Vader figure, BlackSeries40
Commander Pyre figure, bssixthreeexclusive
Jawa figure, potf2basic
Battle Droid Engineer figure, TACBattlepack
Neimoidian Commander figure, ROTSBasic
Bespin Security Guard figure, VintageEsb
BB-8 figure, StarWarsToyBoxBasic
Darth Vader figure, TSCBattlepack
Death Squad Commander figure, TVC3-pack