This Supreme Chancellor Palpatine figure was released in 2005 during the ROTS toy line, and it's based on Palpatine's appearance towards the beginning of Revenge Of The Sith. The figure has a nicely detailed head sculpt and comes with 12 joints total. The hard-plastic cloak is removable (it's a bit tough, but do-able), and once you've removed it, you'll notice that Hasbro included a swivel joint in the waist, and two ball-joints in Palpatine's knees. Hasbro included hand cuffs, but unfortunately they can not be applied to both hands at the same time because you can't position the hands correctly. The hand cuffs don't have any kind of paint application, so they look pretty plain. Overall, Palpatine could have used more ball-joints, especially in the elbows, but the figure will still make for a cool addition to a Senate diorama, or any specific set-up you might want to do based on the beginning sequences of Revenge Of The Sith.
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine is captured by Separatist forces and held captive on an enemy cruiser. Obi-Wan and Anakin come to his aid in a daring and dangerous rescue attempt.