Imperial Assault Tank Driver (Jedha Revolt 4-Pack)
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There is no head underneath the Hovertank Pilot's helmet
The figure can hold the included blaster rifle well in each hand
There are no removable pieces on the armor
Sitting is no problem for this figure (if Hasbro ever releases a Hovertank vehicle)
The figure was painted the way a regular Hovertank Pilot looks, the Commander seen in Rogue One had gray markings on the chest
Unfortunately, there is no weathering or dirt on the figure to give it a more life-like appearance
The figure stood well on display without any balancing issues
Imperial combat drivers operate the Empire's arsenal of armored repulsor vehicles, from troop transports to heavily armed hovertanks. Combat drivers are lightly armored, relying instead on the thick skin of their vehicles to protect them in battle.