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Aerial Recon Trooper Anti-Hailfire Droid Squad The Clone Wars Collection
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Aerial Recon Trooper

The Clone Wars Collection
  • Scale: 3.75"
  • Exclusive: No
  • Variations Recorded: No
  • Year Imprinted: 2008
  • Released: 2010
  • Joint Count: 14
  • Joint Details: Ball-jointed neck, 2 ball-jointed shoulders, 2 ball-jointed elbows, 2 ball-jointed wrists, ball-jointed waist, 2 swivel hips, 2 ball-jointed knees, 2 ball-jointed ankles
  • Accessory Count: 4
  • Accessory Details: Blaster, Helmet with movable visor, Jet-pack with projectile and "cover"


This animated-style Aerial Recon Trooper was released in the Anti-Hailfire Droid Squad battlepack during The Clone Wars collection in August 2010. The set included 4 Star Wars figures, this Aerial Recon Trooper, plus two generic Clones and a Clone Commander. As of this review, Clone Troopers from Bantha Squad haven't had an appearance yet in the Clone Wars TV show.

Just like the Clone Commander, this Aerial Recon Trooper is super articulated with 14 joints, including ball-joints in the neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, the waist, knees and ankles. The only swivel joints are in both legs. The figure's stance can easily be adjusted so that it stands nicely on its own, even with the additional weight of the jet-pack on the back. The helmet, which has a adjustable visor, is removable and covers the entire head very well. The jet-pack plugs into a hole on the back of the figure, where it stays firmly attached. The blaster is an ok fit for either of the Clone's hands, but it fits a bit better into his right.

The paint application on the Bantha Squad Aerial Recon Trooper is cleanly applied on the armor, but with the eyes painted a little too high, it appears as if he's rolling his eyes, or is trying to look up. The super articulated sculpt is brilliant, and gives you enough freedom to pose the figure in countless different positions. All in all, it's another super articulated Clone Trooper, which rounds out the Anti-Hailfire Droid Squad nicely.


Hailfire droids present a significant challenge to the clone trooper army. They quickly establish a special squad to fight these rolling devastators. Bantha Squad includes specialists in heavy weapons, aerial recon and demolitions. With these combined skills, the squad can pinpoint these droids and attack them with the weapons and firepower necessary to immobilize and demolish them early in any assault operation.

Aerial Recon Trooper: Aerial recon troopers monitor the enemy forces from the air and relay the location of the hailfire droids to their squad members on the ground.

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