This animated-style Super Battle Droid was released in Fall of 2010 in a battle pack during The Clone Wars Collection. The 4-figure set included this Super Battle Droid, a Retail Droid and two Clone Troopers. This particular version of the Super Battle Droid could be seen in the Clone Wars episode "Jedi Crash" from the first season of the Clone Wars TV show.
The Super Battle Droid has seven joints, including ball-joints in both shoulders, elbows and the waist. The legs are swivel jointed, while the neck, the knees and ankles are not movable. The droid stands quite well on his own as long as both arms are pointed downward, it gets a bit trickier if he's placed in a more action oriented pose with the arms pointing up. Luckily though, the figure has the typical peg holes in both feet so that he can be placed on a stand. There were no weapons or other accessories included with the figure.
The paint application on the Super Battle Droid is done well, and matches the paint pattern the droid had on-screen. The rocket boosters painted on the back of the droid look nice as well, which is great since these droids were seen flying from one ship to another in the "Jedi Crash" episode. The figure's sculpt is done well, but we are hoping to see some articulation in the knees and ankles (and maybe the wrists or forearms) in future releases. All in all, it's a cool Super Battle Droid, which looks quite different from other Super Battle Droids in the Clone Wars line released so far. This figure is well worth adding to the collection, if you are a into collecting Clone Wars figures!
Clones and droids battle each other during the Clone Wars. Each army, human and mechanical, builds its arsenal of skills and weapons throughout the conflict as new challenges arise. The clone troopers of the elite 327th Star Corps, under Commander Bly, clash with their robotic enemies throughout the entire span of the war. The troopers devise new combat strategies as the Separatists develop more powerful droids.
Super Battle Droid: These heavy infantry droids are powerful built, heavily armed and very strong. Some versions are specially equipped with flight packs for aerial combat.