This animated version of Jedi Master Plo Koon looks fantastic! He has this warrior look that a lot of other Jedi are missing and the lightsaber gauntlet is one of the coolest ideas ever! Unfortunately, Hasbro decided to pre-pose his legs, and there is no articulation in the knees or ankles. Plo Koon's hood comes in two separate removable hard plastic pieces, which fit perfectly onto the figure. His under-arm armor is molded onto the arms and are not removable. Master Plo does not stand very securely without support, but there are holes in his feet so you can put him on a stand. Overall, this is a great figure and one of the coolest Jedi released so far!
A member of the Jedi Council and an intrepid warrior descended from a long line of Jedi Knights, Plo Koon has fought in many battles in the Clone Wars. An imposing figure, he wears special protective goggles and an antiox mask on oxygen-rich worlds.